
Mini Review: Potato Corner (Santa Clara, CA)

9:30:00 AM

RIP Mr. Potato, We Hardly Knew Ya!

Before we get any further, hide all your Mr. Potato figurines because this is going to be a doozy. Last thing we want is for him to know that we’re committing such an atrocious deed to his kin.

Moving forward, Potato Corner is a food stand located inside Valleyfair Mall. It’s smack dabbed in the middle of several “hot spots,” including: The Lego Store, Disney Store, Mealtop and the play area for kids.

Potato Corner is one of those spots where you will smell it before you see it. Depending on the sensitivity of your nose, the whiff of oil will be strong as you approach the area and see the line of people waiting for their spud-licious fried treats.

Once you pulled up to the front of the stand, you’ll notice that they offer an assortment of fried potatoes, taken several ways and in a variety of flavors. They also offer three sizes: Jumbo, Mega, and Giga.

Fries cuts include:
  • Original Fries (cut into strips, think McDonalds)
  • Curly Fries
  • Waffle Fries
  • Tater Tots
  • Jo Jo Chips (Ruffles slice)
  • Chili Cheese Fries (with sour cream, jalapenos or bacon bits)

Flavors include:
  • BBQ
  • Cheddar
  • Sour Cream & Onion
  • Chili BBQ
  • Cinnamon Sugar (not sure how I feel about this one, tbh.
  • Garlic & Parmesan

The one time I visited, TH and I got the Giga Tater Tots in Sour Cream & Onion. It’s either that or Garlic & Parmesan. The memory is escaping me, but I do remember how they call it Giga for a reason.

We were clearly struggling at the end to finish.

Therefore, next time, I think I’ll opt for the Jumbo or Mega.

No more Giga for me unless we’re talking byte sizes.

Addictive, these are definitely worth a try. Hard to go wrong with French fries unless you choose the Cinnamon Sugar, then I definitely question your taste. So when you’re in the area for holiday shopping, keep an eye (or nose) out for the kiosk and try it out for yourself.

How was everybody’s Thanksgiving? I had a two-part Thanksgiving back-to-back this year and let me say, I don’t know how people do it. I was hit by such a massive food coma by the end of the first one that I spent the majority of the second one chilling with my cousins playing Last of Us. Let’s just say we were breaking in my cousin’s new PS4.

2855 Stevens Creek Blvd
Santa Clara, CA 95050

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